GROW TRACK- Taught by Ricky Seawell 
Have you recently given your life to Jesus? Not sure where to go from here? Grow Track helps you grow in your relationship with the Lord and take the first steps into becoming a follower of Jesus.
SERVE TRACK- Taught by Greg Davenport
After you've become a follower of Jesus and you have learned what it means to grow in your relationship with him. Find out how you can get plugged into the church and start to serve. How is God leading you? What gifts has the Lord given you? You can find out in this class how to begin to serve.
LEAD TRACK (LEADERSHIP ACADEMY) - Taught by Ronnie Whitaker III 
We are excited to announce the 1Hope Leadership Academy! Where we equip you with the necessary tools and resources to find every team member transformed into another level of growth and influence ... for Jesus!  
