1Hope's Thanksgiveaway!
1922 Henley Rd Sanford
November 19th 10am-2pm
Come and get FREE household items, clothes, coats and MORE.
Soups and Chili inside
There will be a prayer tent available with people ready to pray for you
We want to show the love of Jesus to people in the community.
What we gain from this is that you know Jesus and know His love for you!
"We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person? Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God.
1John 3: 16-19
1922 Henley Rd Sanford
November 19th 10am-2pm
Come and get FREE household items, clothes, coats and MORE.
Soups and Chili inside
There will be a prayer tent available with people ready to pray for you
We want to show the love of Jesus to people in the community.
What we gain from this is that you know Jesus and know His love for you!
"We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person? Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God.
1John 3: 16-19